Lately I've been doing a lot of web dev. Well, let's say it's a little dev, a little design, a little Joomla!, and a lot of grandiose planse. And not that I'm trying to let any cat out of the bag just yet since my current project is in its infancy, I did spend about 3 hours working on a logo last night which I'm SUPER proud of (even though I created it by following a 9 min youtube tutorial on making graffiti text in GIMP and it still took me 3 hours to get it just right). At any rate, I'm gonna post it here cuz whenever I do something neat with graphics I can't help but share.
It's much smaller on the actual site, but damn it looks good, especially against a black background (added for your viewing pleasure on the blog, but the original has a transparent background). I only wish I could have figured out how to string the underline between the loop in the "g" rather than just overtop of it.
And now I'm off to bed since I haven't slept in about 37 hours as I can't seem to get my mind off of coding. Hopefully tonight won't be a repeat. And hopefully I can get my shiny new laptop soon. Though I must say, as far as 3-4 year old celerons go, I actually have a better user experience on this borrowed Dell than I did on my <1 year old HP running Vista. Thank god I'll never have to work with that hell of an OS again!
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