

Posted by Garth on Thursday, December 23, 2010

A good buddy just released his first iPhone app, Funcards.  It's a flash card app to help small children learn. It comes with a bunch of pre-made cards, but you can make your own through a variety of methods.

Trust me when I say that if this guy put his blood, sweat and tears into Funcards - especially when his goal was to help is own son learn - that it'll be the best iPhone flashcard app ever, and worth every penny. And really, at $1.99, it is only pennies you'll be spending. Isn't your child's brain worth a couple of bucks?

From the website...

How long did it take for your child to learn to swipe to the next photo on your iPhone or iPod touch? It didn’t take our little guy very long. I wrote this App so that little people like him could experience iPhone photos with full sound and titles and they could learn as they swiped. Funcards lets parents and older children create card decks from your favorite photos and add sounds (even sound effects) to entertain and educate your little ones.
Funcards comes with two sample decks (letters of the English alphabet and numbers from 1-9) but the real magic is in making your own. For example, you could make card decks for:
  • family and friends who you don't see as often as you would like 
  • favorite foods for you child to learn to recognize 
  • letter and words in your own language, or a second language 
  • animals from your local farm or zoo, with sound effects 
  • cherished toys that could not come on your vacation 
And a special quote from the man himself...
Swiping left and right on my iPhone is one of the first fine motor skills that my boy learned (right after throwing my iPhone against the wall). He was a master of the swipe by the time he was a year old. Now he's 19 months old and is already able to recognize and say many letters and numbers. We use Funcards to keep our extended family on the tip of his (giant) little brain and are coming up with new ideas for card decks all the time. It's a blast.


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